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Safety & Loss Control

Every dollar spent to compensate for an avoidable loss is a dollar which might better have been used. We provide our members with access to the most professional loss control representatives.

Here’s a sample of services provided to our members:


Individual Loss Control On-Site Surveys

Each member receives an annual visit to monitor and reduce liability and/or exposure to loss.


Customized Loss Control Plans

Members can request special risk and loss control survey visits to address specific exposures


Targeted Consultation Services

Members enjoy loss control efforts that address site-specific issues such as Return to Work / Modified Duty, Accident Repeaters, high severity claims, and high frequency claims.


Safety Team Meetings

Safety and loss control staff are available to attend safety team meetings where they will observe, evaluate, and consult on issues of importance to the members.

Scenic seasonal landscape from above aerial view of a small town countryside of Lambertvil

PEOSHA Required Employee Training

PAIC offers access to education and training programs at NO ADDITIONAL COST to members including:


  • Access to the MEL Safety Institute (MSI), which provides PEOSH required training sessions, workshops and seminars. Over 1,200 different classes are regularly scheduled throughout the state. Site-specific classes can be set up at the member's own venue.

  • Online and conventional video library. 

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